Santa Cruz Elks Lodge 824, Santa Cruz California

Santa Cruz Elks Lodge 824
Chartered since 1903 | West Central District No. 1200 | Santa Cruz, California

Located on the Central California coastline, beautiful Santa Cruz is home to California's last remaining seaside amusement park, the historical Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk.

 Avenue of the Flags

Four times every year -- Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, and Veterans Day -- the members of Santa Cruz Elks Lodge #824, along with Boy Scout Troops 674 and 618, and many others gather to honor our Veterans and troops by setting up the Avenue of the Flags at the Santa Cruz Memorial Cemetery on Ocean St. Ext. Each of these flags was donated by the family of a Veteran. As of November 2010 there are over 400 flags.

We gather at 6:30a.m. to set up, and again at again at 3:30p.m. to take them down.

(If anyone knows the history of The Avenue of the Flags at the Odd Fellows Cemetery in Santa Cruz, please contact me -- editor _at_!)


(If anyone knows the history of The Avenue of the Flags at the Odd Fellows Cemetery in Santa Cruz, please contact me -- editor _at_!)

The slide show below contains some of the pictures from Veterans Day 2010. More will follow.



  Santa Cruz Elks Lodge 824 | | all rights reserved, copyright 2008-2015